Away For The Day is designed for adults 55 years of age or older who are independent in Activities of Daily Living (age exceptions may be made for individuals who have early onset Alzheimer’s Disease or Vascular type Dementia). Our program is an opportunity for the participants to engage in meaningful activities that stimulate them physically, cognitively and socially, while also giving them the opportunity for companionship. Our program also offers respite for caregivers, so they can take a break from their responsibilities to attend to their personal needs, knowing they can depend on us to care for their loved one.

We are committed care providers, who strive to give each participant in our program the best possible experience. Our skilled professional staff are trained to offer stimulating programs in a safe environment. We believe in a person-centered approach to care, where each program is designated to meet the specific needs of each participant.

We believe in the dignity and worth of every individual and the right to maintain a meaningful life in our community. Our supervised programs promote activities of daily living, stimulating the individual both physically and cognitively while offering opportunities for socialization and companionship. Our activities are designed to minimize frustration and enhance self-esteem for people with memory loss.